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托福寫作評分標準項目之一為文章的質量(Quality),內容夠不夠清楚、架構是否容易理解、以及整體英文闡述的語言程度。暑假期間,每周都有近20位的同學參加我們的顧問寫作批改資源,而大家的練習當中,很容易出現寫作盲點– 用字遣詞太過口語化。

英文作文有一個制式化的標準,往往語氣以及詞彙選擇都是精準的並且無爭議性的。相較於跟朋友講故事的談話內容、或是寫日記的段落,口語化的語言成分務必降到最低。“Colloquial language” 口語化的英文,反映在托福的文章當中會降低你文章的說服力、穩定性,給讀者的感官也會因此受到影響。

I. 口語化三大缺點:

  • 過於輕鬆/不正式

  • 想法不精準/不清楚

  • 太廣泛

II. 避免以下的用法:

1. 多餘的填補詞 –

Ex, ‘so’, ‘really’, ‘very’, ‘pretty’, ‘even’


  • My professors and even my parents were there.

--> My professors and my parents attended the ceremony.

  • My internship was pretty successful.

--> My internship experience was a success.

2. 不精準的衡量尺度 –

Ex, Mood – good, Experience – sucks, Example – basically, Quantity – a lot


  • I was feeling good after the interview.

--> I felt confident that I would receive an offer.

  • I spent a lot of years trying to lose weight.

--> The process of my weight loss journey took four years for me to feel healthy again.

3. 主詞、受詞隨便省略 –

Ex, “in other words, not very helpful”

若是讀者跟不上你想表達的資訊,則為無意義的內容 What is not helpful for who?

  • It is detrimental for people.

--> Sexism is detrimental for women in the workplace.

4. 避免常見SLANG –

Ex, “get in touch with”, “also”, “show up”, “well…”

III. 附上托福Writing Rubrics:

在文章中減少口語化的習慣能避免讀者的誤解、不確定性。只要你在打文章的過程當中有意識地減少這樣的習慣,讀者一定能更清楚地跟上你的思路。“Well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details.” 托福要求的”容易理解”,從我們寫作的精準度下手!

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